

The Brave Flower Fairy
There was a beautiful wild forest which was home to many fairies. Everyone was enjoying a warm and pleasant day with gently breezes. The trees and flowers were colorful and beautiful.
However, there was one fairy called Kinsi that was not as colorful as the other fairies. Unlike the other fairies, Kinsi was full of fantasies, she also had a powerful magical cystal. Kinsi decided to change the wild forest. Howling winds and dark rain clouds quickly covered the wild forest. Eeverybody quickly ran into their homes. All the fairies were afraid to leave their homes.
Then, a fairy called Tara decided to change ther situation. She flew to Kinsi’s castle inside, Tara found the crystal. Tara knew she had to destroy the crystal and made another magic spell, in her hand appeared a magic fairy sword. Kinsi appeared and lunged forward to attack just as Tara brought her fairy sword crashing down onto the dark crystal. Instantly things changed; suddenly, Kinsi’s body glowed for a second. Then, her body dissolved into a silver mist and vanished outside, the wild forest returned to normal. In the following days, many of the fairies found out what she had done and proclaimed her to be a great hero and saviour of the wild forest.

學生姓名:Alice Y. H. Liu(劉乙萱)
指導老師:Jenny 簡禎瑤


